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Uniform Policy

The Empire Gardens School Community believes that school uniforms create a safer and more orderly environment that fosters a sense of belonging and instills high standards of academic performance. Please help the school maintain an appropriate school climate by ensuring that your child is in uniform each and every day.

Important:  we will contact parents/guardians the first time a student comes to school without a uniform.  The second time, parents will be contacted to bring required clothing to school.  The third instance will result in a parent conference with school staff.  Thank you for supporting our school uniform policy.


  • White, light blue, or navy blue Polo shirts
  • White, light blue, or navy blue buttoned shirt or blouse
  • Undershirts must be in uniform shirt colors: white, light blue, or navy blue
  • College or University shirts may also be worn
  • Empire Gardens t-shirts are always permitted
  • Shirts must cover the waistband and be shorter than finger-tip length; longer shirts must be tucked in.

Pants/Bottoms (must be worn at the waist)

  • Solid navy blue or khaki slacks (cotton or twill)
  • Solid navy blue or khaki walking shorts (no shorter than 4 inches above the knee)
  • Solid navy blue or khaki skirts (no shorter than 4 inches above the knee)
  • Solid navy blue or khaki jumper (no shorter than 4 inches above the knee)
  • Solid navy blue, black, or white tights or leggings (may only be worn under a skirt or jumper rather than as pants on their own)
  • **It is recommended students wear tights or leggings under skirts and jumpers due to PE and recess  play.


  • Shoes must be fully enclosed and free from distraction (shoes with lights and noises are prohibited)
  • Red and blue shoes are prohibited in alignment with district policy
  • Shoes must have rubber soles; high heels and “heelies” are prohibited


  • Sweatshirts must be solid colors and free of lettering, decoration, logos, and other designs
  • Red and blue sweaters, sweatshirts, and jackets are prohibited in alignment with district policy
  • Empire Gardens sweatshirts are always permitted
  • College or University sweatshirts may also be worn

Head Coverings

  • Hats, caps, and other head coverings may not be worn at school
  • District policy states: “Hats and other head coverings are not permitted on school grounds except when worn as sun-protective clothing as prescribed by a licensed healthcare professional, as an expression of religious beliefs, or when the principal determines that extreme cold weather warrants it.”